Prague trams

The "Prague Trams" program allows you to drive a tram in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. It was created as a birthday gift for Adam, a big fan of trams and timetables, hoping to bring him some fun. And also for his parents, who might find a bit of peace (you're welcome🙂). And of course, for other parents and fans who are willing to tolerate its imperfections.

The program was created purely for entertainment and is definitely not intended to be a perfect tram driving simulator. For instance, it doesn't use all the information that can be obtained from the timetables.

On the other hand, the timetables can be easily updated, the program can display the route and position of the tram on a selected track on a map, and it can show the surroundings of a stop using the "Panorama" service. It can also display an information board for passengers, and the "driver" can play various supplementary announcements for the "passengers". Additionally, it remembers the position and size of open windows (size only for map windows), so there's no need to set it up again next time.

So hopefully at least one of you will enjoy it for a while.

Have fun! 🙂


A short preview of the game you can find in this video.


The program is available completely free of charge. It should work on updated Windows 10 and newer versions. - PraTram (Prague Trams) program - version 1.1, 10.2024

pratram-verinfo-en.txt - the program changes description

pratram-en.pdf - a brief help for the PraTram is included in the program

If a new stop appears in the timetables, it is possible to create a sound file announcing its name using these instructions.


I might read any feedback here from time to time:
If anyone would like to appreciate the effort put in or contribute to potential further development, you can buy me a coffee. 😉

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